That Piece of Crap Foreign Car
I’ve had a variety of cars including a Jag, a Lotus, and a Thunderbird. Even with these, my favorite vehicle of all times was a Sunbeam Tiger. A mix of American power, and British eccentricities with a sense of humor.

Is Iceland Different Enough - Part 1
If you want to ride the little Icelandic horses, there’s no better place than Iceland. It was a fun vacation, but it would have probably been more fun if we’d waited for summer.

Is Iceland Different Enough - Part 2
Only one breed of horse on Iceland and we went there to ride them.

The speed of time not only depends on how fast you’re traveling, it also depends on where you are.
Relativity Continued
Where I live, getting a stock trailer painted is a slow process. But then most things are.
The Grand Canyon on Mule Back
If you ride equines, seeing the Grand Canyon from the back of a mule is the best vacation ever. If you don’t, do the words open sores mean anything to you?

Doctor Hell
Modern medicine is a wonderful, but terrifying thing. Take care of your loved ones. Pay attention when they’re being treated and know the drugs they’re taking. Make conscious decisions. Help them.

Children deserve to be disciplined
Every child deserves to live free of worry. To know the difference between good and bad. To know someone is taking care of her.

The Stupid Check
The question’s easy. All you have to do is stop, and consciously consider if you’ve been stupid. It has to be a conscious, separate evaluation. It’s easy to do. The hard part is taking the time.

Embrace Lazy
Embrace lazy. It’s just smart. It’ll make your life easier and you more effective.

Entangled With Ivy
I don’t know about you, but if there’s any chance I have to run through a fire, I’m going to at least wear pants. There are some parts I don’t want to burn.

Entangled With Ivy - contd.
It’s over two-hundred-fifty dollars a night. Although I’m sure you run a fine establishment, I can’t pay two-hundred-fifty dollars a night.

Entangled With Ivy - contd. again
I’m a trusting person, and I believe in giving people a chance, but I set the alarm clock.

Entangled With Ivy - next to the last
I had three lights that worked, power for my coffee maker, and HBO on a TV in Spanish. I was a happy man. Then the phone rang.

Entangled in Ivy - Final Installment
I could tip her five bucks, but five bucks for eighty cents worth of stuff would make me stupid. One buck, cheap; five bucks, stupid? Greasy hair and no coffee wasn’t sounding so bad.