Friends who live with me now
Scooter - Over 30 and still the matriarch. She keeps the mule straight. Or as straight as a mule can be kept.
Derek - My buddy. Previously a therapy dog. Who would have thought he would be a good trail dog? But he is excellent.
The cat is Fred, she passed away. Okay, we missed something when we named her. The fish are doing great.
This is McKenzie and Roni, my daughter living in Iowa. Mac is my first horse. He and I have been together over 25 years. We’ve seen each other through bad times and good. We’ve wept and laughed together. A good friend.
Darley - Tried to make her a trail dog. She didn’t even make it to the trailer before getting distracted and being gone for an hour.
Not my cardinals, but they visit. And they’re pretty,
Sara the Mule - At 21, she is the baby of the group. She is a great mule, but she has a little attitude. And a sense of humor. Makes the horses crazy.
Sophie - Sweetest dog you’ll ever meet. Walked her about a mile into the trail. Took off her leash and she went back to the car. She had no intention of ever being a trail dog. Loves her couch.
Friends who have passed away.
Teddy - A miniature, who was just tall enough to be cheap. She was named for a teddy bear since she was so furry and cuddly in the winter.
Yukon - At least half wolf. Rescued from the animal shelter his third time there and his last day before being euthanized. I’ve often said the biggest difference between dogs and hybrids are that the hybrids are more emotional. I’ve never met such a fun loving creature.
Lewner - The first hybrid. He was the man.
Salem - Lewner’s half sister. A truly beautiful animal. She always got her own way. Most of the time by pestering him until he gave in.
Frankie - Best trail dog ever. I still miss her.
Lewner with his cat, Troy.
Little Foot - Half Alaskan sled dog. Half arctic wolf. Her owner was going to turn her loose close to Atlanta. “She’ll be okay. She’s a wolf.” Uh, no.